Your studio newborn session will be at my in-home studio. My in-home studio will be kept warm to help keep baby warm and sleepy while in their birthday suit. Therefore, I recommend dressing in layers so that you may remove layers as needed to remain comfortable. Do bring an extra outfit for yourself in case baby soils your clothing. This happens often.
I recommend to keep baby awake as much as possible prior to their session time (at least 1-hour). I recommend some naked time followed by a bath. If baby still has not lost their umbilical cord and you must sponge bathe, do take care to wash his/her hair as clean newborn hair photographs best.
Dress baby in a zip/button up sleeper. Something loose fitting is best so as not to leave lines on their skin and nothing that will need to be pulled over their head.
Give baby an extra feeding before buckling him/her into the car seat. Allow baby to fall asleep in the car on the way to the studio. When you arrive at the studio, please leave baby in their car seat. I will be the one to unbuckle and remove him/her and we will go right to work.
Family/sibling photos are done first, if you choose to make arrangements for siblings to leave, that can be done so approximately 30 minutes after the start of your session.
I am looking forward to meeting you and your sweet little one, and I am looking forward to our session!
What to bring:
- Pacifier
- Spare Diapers
- Wipes
- Blanket
- Hair Brush For Baby
- Bottles With Pumped Milk/Formula (Even if your child does not typically use these, it is important that we have access to various soothing techniques to make sure your session runs smoothly).